Leonard Cohen Commemorative Prints

Leonard Cohen Photos
Series of 5 archival prints 8 x 22 in.
Zazen Instruction Sequence, circa1972
Charles Gurd Photographer
Limited edition of 50.

Leonard Cohen (1934 - 2016) was a Canadian singer-songwriter, poet, and novelist popular throughout North America and Europe. Themes commonly explored throughout his work include faith and mortality, isolation and depression, betrayal and redemption, social and political conflict, and sexual and romantic love, desire, regret, and loss. Cohen was among the most fascinating and enigmatic singer-songwriters of the 1960s. Along with such artists as Bob Dylan and Paul Simon, he captured the yearning that was the essence of the late twentieth century.

Susceptible to melancholy and depression, in 1994 Cohen retreated to the Mt. Baldy Zen Center near Los Angeles, beginning what became five years of seclusion at the center. In 1996, Cohen was ordained as a Rinzai Zen Buddhist monk and took the Dharma name Jikan, meaning "silence". However, he continued to consider himself Jewish and immersed himself in various spiritual traditions.

In conjunction with the release of a new biography by Christophe Lebold, the Bodhi is pleased to offer a series of artist prints by photographer Charles Gurd for a donation of $5000 or more to the Center. The prints will be sent to you by FedEx. All donations go to the Center and help support its mission and spiritual outreach. The Bodhi thanks Charles Gurd for his contribution of the supurb prints.